Henry “Adrian” Rozo
UC Davis, 2025
By sharing your Pell story you can help us in our fight to make higher education attainable for all.
And it falls far short of what students need to succeed. That's why we're calling on Congress to double the Pell Grant, so it reaches a maximum award of $13,000.
It’s time for federal lawmakers to reinvest in this important program, a move that will:
Ease the student loan burden — nearly 7 million students receive Pell Grants nationally each year, but few can rely on it to fully finance their degree.
Help students meet their basic needs — too many students struggle to pay for food, housing and health care. More Pell funding can help.
Expand financial aid to more students — greater federal support for Pell will enable colleges and universities to stretch their own aid funding to more families.
Double the Pell Fact Sheet (PDF)
Pell Grants pay off in brighter futures and a stronger California. Learn about UC’s efforts.
Download this this helpful guide and share your support for doubling Pell.
UCSA and leading advocates share advocacy tips, actions and resources you can take.
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UC calls on California congressional members to increase Pell to $13,000 (PDF)
November 22, 2022
Pell Grant students are doing all they can; they deserve our support
September 20, 2021
Growing national movement urges Congress to reinvest in Pell Grants
March 25, 2021
UC students call on federal lawmakers to increase financial aid
February 24, 2021
Double the Pell is a partnership between the University of California and the UC Student Association to call on Congress to increase its investment in the federal Pell Grant.